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Beschreibungtools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (main)
Installierte Größe712 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibc6 (>= 2.4), libfuse2 (>= 2.8.1), libntfs10 (>= 2.0.0), libuuid1 (>= 2.16), fuse-utils (>> 2.5.0)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerMaintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers
Paketgröße275390 Byte
Prüfsumme MD50fcd22e07c6962df8072435e7df3b2cf
Prüfsumme SHA1c5589a02454d5bb9b498f44f5eba598926241ab5
Prüfsumme SHA256ac83f8dbb1e822ac68c4f5c62f9e8f94184877abb9d1dbde3a55e8fdf2e75d82
Link zum Herunterladenntfsprogs_2.0.0-1ubuntu4_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThe Linux-NTFS project ( aims to bring full support for the NTFS filesystem to the Linux operating system. . This is a set of tools targeted for people interested in working with the NTFS support in the Linux kernel and using it. The following utilities are included: . ntfsfix - Fix common filesystem errors and force Windows to check NTFS. . mkntfs - Format a partition with an NTFS filesystem, optionally bootable. . ntfsinfo - Show some information about an NTFS partition or one of the files or directories within it. . ntfslabel - Show, or set, an NTFS partition's volume label. . ntfsresize - Resize an NTFS partition without losing data. . ntfsundelete - Recover deleted files from an NTFS partition. . ntfscluster - Locate the owner of any given sector or cluster on an NTFS partition. . ntfscat - Concatenate files and print them on the standard output (without mounting the partition). . ntfsls - List directory contents on an NTFS filesystem (without mounting). . ntfscp - Overwrite files on an NTFS partition. . ntfsclone - Efficiently clone an NTFS filesystem or a part of it. . ntfsmount - Mount an NTFS partition from user-space using libntfs and FUSE. . ntfsdecrypt - Decrypt NTFS-encrypted files (NOT INCLUDED). . ntfscmp - Compare two NTFS volumes and tell the differences.

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