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BeschreibungDebianDoc SGML DTD and formatting tools
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (main)
Installierte Größe3300 Byte
Hängt ab vonperl, libhtml-parser-perl, libi18n-langtags-perl, libroman-perl, libsgmls-perl, libtext-format-perl,
Empfohlene Paketelibpaperg, texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-latex-base, texlive-latex-extra, texlive-fonts-recomme
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße121100 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5fac2d2dd6c2baefdd01570a0c6c5510d
Prüfsumme SHA1fab55426b437da00b7cbae5256947eea5a032943
Prüfsumme SHA25673d435557a561b10e5e89eb5ea4b615fe567fd1669d02d9d25b09d86c3683a8f
Link zum Herunterladendebiandoc-sgml_1.2.13_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis is an SGML-based documentation formatting package used for the Debian manuals. It reads markup files and produces HTML, LaTeX, DVI (via LaTeX), PostScript (via LaTeX/DVI), PDF (via LaTeX), Texinfo, Info (via Texinfo), DebianDoc SGML, DocBook XML, plain text (with overstrikes a la troff as well as without) files. . The LaTeX based output needs the libpaperg, texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-latex-base, texlive-latex-extra and texlive-fonts-recommended packages. In addition to this, Chinese and Japanese need cjk-latex and corresponding font packages while Korean needs hlatex and corresponding font packages. The Texinfo based output needs the texinfo package.

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