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BeschreibungMJPEG video capture/editting/playback MPEG encoding
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (multiverse)
Installierte Größe1228 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibmjpegtools-1.9 (= 1:1.9.0-0.5ubuntu3), libquicktime-dev, pkg-config
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße323744 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5af5e2a81a01fb873fd0856399cbb88d7
Prüfsumme SHA10d359ad931e67a90bb9ecd1990d47a3ea24ad565
Prüfsumme SHA256282b9e54c45defddaabe9703c98838116f51631935279ee26a54adf30b75da0a
Link zum Herunterladenlibmjpegtools-dev_1.9.0-0.5ubuntu3_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThe mjpeg programs are a set of tools that can do recording of videos and playback, simple cut-and-paste editing and the MPEG compression of audio and video under Linux. This package combines them with important supporting libraries required for their use. . The "lavrec" utility supplied supports capture from Zoran based MJPEG capture/playback cards like the Buz (Iomega), DC10 (MIRO, Pinnacle) and the LML33 (Linux Media Labs). Compatible MJPEG avi files can also be created using any frame-grabbing card supported by the xawtv tool. . Videos recorded in this can be filtered, editted, and converted to MPEG streams. The MPEG encoder is optimised for high quality results at medium to high bit-rates (1Mbps upwards) and supports MMX/SSE/3D-Now and SMP. A Duron 700 can deliver around 15-20 352x288 frames per second. . A key design objective of the tools is interoperability with other video tools: currently xawtv, bcast2000, nuppelvideo and vcdimager are known to interoperate. The MJPEG utilities can read AVI, Quicktime, and movtar streams. The MPEG encoder can produce streams suitable for buring to VCD/SVCD using vcdimager or similar tools. The software playback of MPEG streams works with almost every player and every OS. SSE/MMX and 3D-Now! are supported permitting a 700Mhz CPU to deliver arond 15-20 VCD frames/second.

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