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Beschreibungdocument markup examples for sisu, publish and search framework
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (non-free)
Installierte Größe27000 Byte
Hängt ab vonsisu (>= 2.0)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerSiSU Project
Paketgröße16353924 Byte
Prüfsumme MD58a766b45aa9b1f4adc5b176dbdccaa3b
Prüfsumme SHA1c2f04d30155ed0cb7b6cce60c0f22a732d49ce05
Prüfsumme SHA2562cde7ecce95f19662fc2ee5731dabae73d711970203e0f415043af6a4bc33748
Link zum Herunterladensisu-markup-samples_2.0.7-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThe document samples provided include: * "Viral Spiral", David Bollier * "The Wealth of Networks", Jochai Benkler * "Free Culture", Lawrence Lessig * "CONTENT", Cory Doctrow * "Two Bits", Christopher Kelty * "Democratizing Innovation", Eric von Hippel * "Free For All", Peter Wayner * "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", Eric S. Raymond * "Little Brother", Cory Doctrow * "Accelerando", Charles Stross and a couple of additional texts. . The documents were shared by their authors under Creative Commons licenses, that permit their distribution, though not within the main Debian archive by Debian policy. . * "Free As In Freedom", on RMS by Sam Williams, is available as a markup sample within the package sisu . SiSU is a lightweight markup based, command line oriented, document structuring, publishing and search framework for document collections. . With minimal preparation of a plain-text, (UTF-8) file, using its native markup syntax in your text editor of choice, SiSU can generate various document formats (most of which share a common object numbering system for locating content), including plain text, HTML, XHTML, XML, EPUB, OpenDocument text (ODF:ODT), LaTeX, PDF files, and populate an SQL database with objects (roughly paragraph-sized chunks) so searches may be performed and matches returned with that degree of granularity: your search criteria is met by these documents and at these locations within each document. Object numbering is particularly suitable for "published" works (finalized texts as opposed to works that are frequently changed or updated) for which it provides a fixed means of reference of content. Document outputs also share semantic meta-data provided. . SiSU also provides concordance files, document content certificates and manifests of generated output. . man pages, and interactive help are provided. . Dependencies for additional features are taken care of in sisu related packages. . The dummy package sisu-complete together with sisu-markup-samples installs the whole of SiSU.

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