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BeschreibungNVIDIA binary kernel module DKMS source (173xx legacy version)
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (non-free)
Installierte Größe18224 Byte
Hängt ab vondkms (>=, nvidia-kernel-common (>= 20100522)
Empfohlene Paketenvidia-glx-legacy-173xx (>= 173.14.27)
PaketbetreuerDebian NVIDIA Maintainers
Paketgröße5313674 Byte
Prüfsumme MD57ba1660f428ed1d0340854dba38b9025
Prüfsumme SHA1a0fe1113741ee980bb8883afaf1f6979c9d363c0
Prüfsumme SHA256b3012c7334fa92f453c8a525dc113a1dea7ec3f891a1af43b14b73373fcddecc
Link zum Herunterladennvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx-dkms_173.14.27-2_i38
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis package builds the NVIDIA Xorg binary kernel module needed by nvidia-glx-legacy-173xx, using DKMS. Provided that you have the kernel header packages installed, the kernel module will be built for your running kernel and automatically rebuilt for any new kernel headers that are installed. The NVIDIA binary drivers provide optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL applications via a direct-rendering X Server for graphics cards using NVIDIA chip sets. AGP, PCIe, SLI, TV-out and flat panel displays are also supported. . This legacy version is the last release that supports the following GPUs: GeForce FX 5100 [NV34], GeForce FX 5200 [NV34], GeForce FX 5200 Ultra [NV34], GeForce FX 5200LE [NV34], GeForce FX 5500 [NV34], GeForce FX 5600 [NV31], GeForce FX 5600 Ultra [NV31], GeForce FX 5600XT [NV31], GeForce FX 5700 [NV36.2], GeForce FX 5700 Ultra [NV36.1], GeForce FX 5700LE [NV36], GeForce FX 5700VE [NV36.4], GeForce FX 5800 [NV30], GeForce FX 5800 Ultra [NV30], GeForce FX 5900 [NV35], GeForce FX 5900 Ultra [NV35], GeForce FX 5900XT [NV35], GeForce FX 5900ZT [NV35], GeForce FX 5950 Ultra [NV38], GeForce FX Go5100 [NV34], GeForce FX Go5200 [NV34M], GeForce FX Go5200 32M/64M [NV34M], GeForce FX Go5200 64M [NV34M], GeForce FX Go5250 [NV34M], GeForce FX Go5300 [NV34GLM], GeForce FX Go5600 [NV31M], GeForce FX Go5650 [NV31M], GeForce FX Go5700 [NV36], GeForce PCX 4300 [NV18], GeForce PCX 5300 [NV37GL], GeForce PCX 5750 [NV36], GeForce PCX 5900 [NV35], GeForce 6800 Ultra [NV40] (only PCI ID 10DE:00F0), Quadro FX 330 [NV37GL], Quadro FX 500/600 PCI [NV34GL], Quadro FX 700 [NV35GL], Quadro FX 1000 [NV30GL], Quadro FX 1100 [NV36GL], Quadro FX 1300 [NV38GL], Quadro FX 2000 [NV30GL], Quadro FX 3000 [NV35GL], Quadro FX Go700 [NV31], Quadro FX Go1000 [NV36], Quadro NVS 280 PCI [NV34GL], Quadro NVS 280 PCI-E [NV37GL], NV31, NV31M, NV31M Pro, NV31GLM, NV31GLM Pro, NV34GL, NV36.5, NV36M Pro, NV36MAP, NV36GL. . There are several "more modern" GPUs supported by this package, too, but the updated drivers in the newer legacy packages or the current nvidia-glx package usually provide more features and better support. Look at the other legacy packages for older cards. . See /usr/share/doc/nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx-dkms/README.txt.gz for a complete list of supported GPUs and PCI IDs.

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