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Beschreibungdonate unused CPU cycles - client for
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (non-free)
Installierte Größe2044 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibc6 | libc6.1, host | bind9-host
Empfohlene Paketelogrotate
PaketbetreuerJames E. Stark
Paketgröße885288 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5c053d0f690330815e5a956d32850df08
Prüfsumme SHA149db2114685610c0076c14a962cfc02aa5d17721
Prüfsumme SHA25657db56531e02194023a5e77cc3a102f85969a61d13354fec8ba4b8e412f222d2
Link zum Herunterladendistributed-net_2.9107.516-1_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungDonate your extra CPU cycles to a worthy cause! . started in 1997 as a project whose purpose was to win a series of contests sponsored by RSA Data Security Inc., to crack their RC5 encryption by brute-force methods. These contests were meant to show governments of nations such as the United States, who limit exports or use of cryptography, that the standards allowed are too weak for general use. . Since this time, has changed their focus from solely cracking RSA's RC5 and DES projects to working on more diverse distributed computing problems. . The ongoing projects are RC5-72 and Optimal Golomb Rulers (25-mark), the latter of which has practical applications in science. There are also a number of other projects which are either periodic or upcoming. You may choose which project you wish to participate in. . By installing this package, unused CPU cycles on your computer will be used to work on cracking the code. There should be no noticeable slowdown of your system, since the client runs niced, and only uses CPU time when your computer would otherwise be idle. . For more information, see

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