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BeschreibungGNU R package providing a unified front-end for estimating statistical models
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe25896 Byte
Hängt ab vonr-base-core (>= 2.10.0~1), r-cran-mass (>= 7.2.29-1), r-cran-boot (>= 1.2.26-1), r-cran-mvtnorm (>=
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerChris Lawrence
Paketgröße11395014 Byte
Prüfsumme MD547645927bd6c48f628fdb2a624d97897
Prüfsumme SHA17c390600f4d38d55aab086ceff0feb594163275e
Prüfsumme SHA2569b67af64f319325bda067d8e4e772077ab69a496f8f478fc3ff914b72b953791
Link zum Herunterladenr-cran-zelig_3.4-8-2_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungWith thousands of contributors who have written hundreds of packaged routines, R can deal with nearly any statistical problem. Although this high level of participation may be its greatest strength, the enormous diversity in approaches to statistical inference covered by R often results in a virtual babel of competing functions and inconsistent syntax. . To address these problems from a common perspective, the upstream authors have created Zelig, a single, easy-to-use program, with a unified framework and syntax, that can estimate, help interpret, and present the results of a large range of statistical methods. It literally is "everyone's statistical software" because Zelig uses R code from many researchers. They also hope it will become "everyone's statistical software" for applications, and they have designed it so that anyone can use it or add their methods to it. Zelig comes with detailed, self-contained documentation that minimizes startup costs for Zelig and R, automates graphics and summaries for all models, and, with only three simple commands required, generally makes the power of R accessible for all users. Zelig also works well for teaching, and is designed so that scholars can use the same program they use for their research.

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