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Beschreibungsimple Emacs interface of w3m (development version)
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe3152 Byte
Hängt ab vonemacs | emacs23 | emacs22 | emacs21 | emacs-snapshot | apel (>= 10.5), w3m (>= 0.3) | w3m-ssl (>= 0.
Empfohlene Paketeapel, flim
PaketbetreuerTatsuya Kinoshita
Paketgröße892530 Byte
Prüfsumme MD56cc0203b2ccc16151c9b813334adfc4e
Prüfsumme SHA1eda8d37db48346d1dac9d3f7616a4d888f756f95
Prüfsumme SHA25681447827e9419204de6112cf18626f8eff7f6a302b2130bcc93db8f726f4a6d5
Link zum Herunterladenw3m-el-snapshot_1.4.400+0.20100725-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungEmacs-w3m is an interface program of w3m, a pager with WWW capability. It can be used as a lightweight WWW browser on emacsen. . To use the optional features shimbun (interface with web newspapers), w3m-namazu (search files with Namazu), w3m-perldoc (view perl documents), etc., install the required packages flim, namazu2, perl-doc, etc. . This package provides a development snapshot version of emacs-w3m. To use a stable version of emacs-w3m, install the w3m-el package instead of this package.

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