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BeschreibungUtilities to make life with GNU Arch (tla) easier
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe276 Byte
Hängt ab vontla (>= 1.1), libuuid1
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian QA Group
Paketgröße54754 Byte
Prüfsumme MD578bb40796954f4c60ad9c204e8ef4b3b
Prüfsumme SHA1f570e270e3cb32160805e97699612db399e79420
Prüfsumme SHA2566a3bdb7471ff00926251ce0af0be62a523e505abaa33cf0033a46a6634ed8e0d
Link zum Herunterladentla-tools_2005.0.patch.29-2_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis is a collection of tools to make life with GNU Arch easier. The tools included are: o tla-changelogs-to-log: takes a GNU ChangeLog and creates an Arch patch log. o tla-copy-changes: Copy and commit Arch changesets from another branch. o tla-cvs-sync: Bidirectional sync with CVS archives. o tla-emacs-xids-to-db: Produce an id rename database for EMacs. o tla-file-log: Output historical log for a file in an Arch project tree. o tla-fix-changelog-conflicts: Resolve merge conflicts in ChangeLog files. o tla-fork: Create an Arch branch forking off an existing one. o tla-fork-archive: Fork a new Arch archive. o tla-munge-archive-names: Changes names of categories/branches/versions in an Arch archive. o tla-munge-archive-xids: Modify an archive to use taglines instead of explicit ids. o tla-prune-revlib: Prune arch revision library, somewhat conservatively o tla-scan-for-xids: Produce a list of explicit ids used in an archive. o tla-switch: Switch a project tree to a new version. o tla-update-ids: Automate handling of changed id tags.

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