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BeschreibungA graphical front-end to CVS and Subversion
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe2476 Byte
Hängt ab voncvs | subversion, tk8.4 | tk8.5, ttf-dejavu
Empfohlene Paketexterm | x-terminal-emulator, dirdiff
PaketbetreuerTim Cutts
Paketgröße1175804 Byte
Prüfsumme MD52f7eaa9e9b4598ce6be807c5d4a046ed
Prüfsumme SHA13daf510529e3063c1a3bd97d32280d219dbb08b6
Prüfsumme SHA2564f2bd96555e55d920f64f100c47271cec5382a9211e76288f325d91208f59ffe
Link zum Herunterladentkcvs_8.2.1-2_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungTkCVS is a Tk based graphical interface to the CVS and Subversion version control systems. For CVS, it includes facilities for providing "user friendly" names to modules and directories within the repository, and provides a facility to interactively browse the repository looking for modules and directories. . Some of the features of TkCVS include: . File and directory browser, with optional display of hidden files, and display of the current directory's location within the CVS tree. . Push-button based check-in / check-out of CVS modules. Ability to add and delete files from the repository also using push buttons. . Module tree browser, and reports showing the structure of the CVS modules tree. Individual modules or entire directory trees may be checked out using the browser. . Updating of files from the repository when they change. . Tagging and branching of files from the file browser, and tagging and branching of modules from the module browser. . Exporting a CVS module or directory from the repository for delivery off-site. . Creation of patch files between two releases of a module, or between a release and the current (head) version. . Viewing of diff and status listings for currently checked out modules.

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