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Beschreibunghelper programs to maintain Debian packages with Subversion
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe852 Byte
Hängt ab vonsubversion, devscripts (>= 2.10.54), perl, libsvn-perl, file, wget, unp, liburi-perl, libcapture-tin
Empfohlene Paketedebhelper
Paketbetreuersvn-buildpackage maintainers
Paketgröße204418 Byte
Prüfsumme MD52f8e0376753fcee85ebc07f615fb81a0
Prüfsumme SHA1806aeebc4c983f3abbf8a6b94102fbb0ca383967
Prüfsumme SHA25607b02c5a967033e7c18c1647a61f62141d15d64c2ac0fdb8e36897f898134092
Link zum Herunterladensvn-buildpackage_0.8.3_all.deb
Ausführliche Beschreibungsvn-buildpackage (formerly svn-devscripts) contains tools that help to automate the task of maintaining Debian packages inside of a Subversion repository. They are intended to be used by Debian maintainers to simplify the error-prone actions with the svn, devscripts, and dpkg-dev utilities. . - svn-inject: creates the initial directory structure of a Debian-SVN repository and imports existing packages - svn-upgrade: imports upstream changes into the upstream branch and updates the Debian trunk directory, merging and tagging as needed - svn-buildpackage: wrapper around dpkg-buildpackage (or other builders), exporting/merging/tagging source as needed - svn-do: exports a source, runs a command inside the exported source and, if the command succeeds, copies back the debian/ tree - uclean: removes redundant files from upstream source packages . The package also includes a detailed HOWTO document.

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