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BeschreibungA `scheme' interpreter designed for writing system programs
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe1904 Byte
Hängt ab von
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerScheme48 Maintainers Task Force
Paketgröße381680 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5d37610571d51f5239eb95b0bde60d113
Prüfsumme SHA1e2bbbc65225c15256c89213784d4fef269f95f7d
Prüfsumme SHA256c7671fdfd01b2f9083c602cefd18fa52dd8f999f5904aab9860944d8e283f1ab
Link zum Herunterladenscsh-common-0.6_0.6.7-7_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungScsh has a high-level process notation for doing shell-script like tasks: running programs, establishing pipelines and I/O redirection. Scsh embeds this process notation within a full implementation of Scheme, a minimal and clean dialect of the Lisp programming language. The process notation is realized as a set of macro definitions, and is carefully designed to allow full integration with standard Scheme code. Scsh isn't Scheme-like; it is Scheme. . At the scripting level, scsh also has an Awk design, also implemented as a macro that can be embedded inside general Scheme code. . Scsh additionally provides the low-level access to the operating system normally associated with C. The current release provides full access to POSIX, plus important non-POSIX extensions, such as complete sockets support. "Full access to POSIX" means: fork, exec & wait, sockets, full read, write, open & close, seek & tell, complete file-system access, including stat, chmod/chgrp/chown, symlink, FIFO & directory access, tty & pty support, file locking, pipes, select, file-name pattern-matching, time & date, environment variables, signal handlers, and more. . This package contains the architecture-independent files.

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