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BeschreibungUnit testing and web testing framework for PHP
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe792 Byte
Hängt ab von
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerCharles Fry
Paketgröße134742 Byte
Prüfsumme MD511a77889d260c7adc80d60387271a397
Prüfsumme SHA192a88394ca932a8205c01f60c1ba8f89b14ff037
Prüfsumme SHA256ca14552addb5f8726bcef548b5525d1d4feab72f00283e9976d80e5efc80bcd4
Link zum Herunterladenphp-simpletest_1.0.0-4_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungSimpleTest is a testing framework built around test case classes. These are written as extensions of base test case classes, each extended with methods that actually contain test code. . These tools are designed for the developer. Tests are written in the PHP language itself. The advantage of using PHP itself as the testing language is that there are no new languages to learn, testing can start straight away, and the developer can test any part of the code. Basically, all parts that can be accessed by the application code can also be accessed by the test code if they are in the same language. . Homepage:

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