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Beschreibungi18n support files for the PennMUSH virtual world server
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe1168 Byte
Hängt ab vonlocales, pennmush-common (= 1.8.2p8-1)
Empfohlene Paketepennmush | pennmush-mysql
PaketbetreuerErvin Hearn III
Paketgröße355256 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5e7cc0feabaa95990ee9c8e8ddd3560fa
Prüfsumme SHA10a8cefaf5e41289f66e861ab01840ef0962be6c2
Prüfsumme SHA2568d98218525c7bf03d767db1fa6fff66aa3f29114a0b36d2e789672fe8ae711e8
Link zum Herunterladenpennmush-i18n_1.8.2p8-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis is the PennMUSH flavor of mud servers of the MUSH branch. It provides a number of flexible features to enable players to extend the virtual world. This is done by building new rooms and objects, and utilizing its internal programming language, MUSHcode. . PennMUSH provides flexible compatibility with the MUSHcode features of many of the other common MUSH flavors, as well as its own approach to them. . This package contains the current translations of common in game messages. The current state of the translations are: . Fairly complete: es_ES, fr, hu_HU, nl_NL, no_NO, sv . Substantial partial: da, de_DE, ro_RO . Partial: bg_BG, eo, id_ID, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru_RU

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