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BeschreibungOpen on-chip JTAG debug solution for ARM and MIPS systems
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe5496 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibc6 (>= 2.3), libftdi1 (>= 0.16), libusb-0.1-4 (>= 2:0.1.12), dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUwe Hermann
Paketgröße2210396 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5d95e0679237e7d5d0b1e9ad05db194a5
Prüfsumme SHA1836985d204974332f2836c69002d117ce4f83343
Prüfsumme SHA25619fbc56cbffaf7ddf47f29d60a7dd0817b25d79bfb1d73294e77d978ba00600d
Link zum Herunterladenopenocd_0.3.1-1_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungOpenOCD is an on-chip debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing tool for ARM and MIPS systems. . The debugger uses an IEEE 1149-1 compliant JTAG TAP bus master to access on-chip debug functionality available on ARM based microcontrollers or system-on-chip solutions. For MIPS systems the EJTAG interface is supported. . User interaction is realized through a telnet command line interface, a gdb (the GNU debugger) remote protocol server, and a simplified RPC connection that can be used to interface with OpenOCD's Jim Tcl engine. . OpenOCD supports various different types of JTAG interfaces/programmers: . * Parallel port wigglers: * Macraigor Wiggler JTAG cable (and many clones) * Xilinx DLC5 JTAG parallel cable III (and many clones) * Amontec JTAG Accelerator * Gateworks GW16012 JTAG programmer * Wiggler 2 cable (basically a wiggler with an LED) * Wiggler with NTRST inverted * AMT Wiggler * Ka-Ro TRITON starterkit II JTAG cable * Lattice parallel port JTAG cable * ST FlashLINK programming cable * USB FT2232 based dongles: * USBJTAG * Amontec JTAGkey * Amontec JTAGkey-Tiny * OOCD-Link * eVerve Signalyzer * Luminary Micro Stellaris/LM3S811 Evaluation Board A * Olimex ARM-USB-OCD * TinCanTools Flyswatter * Turtelizer 2 * Hitex STR9-comStick * Hitex STM32-PerformanceStick * Axiom AXM-0432 Link * Section5 ICEbear * USB JLINK based adapters: * Atmel SAMICE (only works with Atmel chips) * Segger J-Link * IAR J-Link * USB RLINK based adapters: * Raisonance RLink * STM32 Primer * STM32 Primer2 * USB other: * USBprog * ASIX PRESTO * Versaloon-Link * ARM-JTAG-EW * Standalone systems: * Zylin ZY1000 * Other: * EP93xx based Linux machine * AT91RM9200 . OpenOCD supports debugging on a number of different ARM/MIPS cores: * ARM7: * ARM7TDMI(-s) * ARM720t * ARM9: * ARM9TDMI * ARM920t * ARM922t * ARM926ej-s * ARM966e-s * ARM11 * ARM1136 * ARM1156 * ARM1176 * Intel XScale: * PXA25x * PXA26x * PXA27x * IXP42x * IXP45x * IXP46x * Cortex-M3 * Luminary Stellaris LM3 * ST STM32 * MIPS m4k * Marvell Feroceon CPU core (as found in the Orion SoC family) . Flash programming/writing is supported for: * External CFI compatible flashes: * Intel and AMD/Spansion command set * Internal flashes: * LPC2000 * AT91SAM7 * STR7x * STR9x * LM3 * STM32x * LPC3180 NAND flash

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