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BeschreibungMono core library (for CLI 1.0)
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe2192 Byte
Hängt ab vonmono-runtime (>= 2.6.7), mono-runtime (<< 2.6.8)
Empfohlene Paketelibmono-i18n-west1.0-cil
PaketbetreuerDebian Mono Group
Paketgröße764150 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5da1237bfbf4a3b8d1d9cc853d2c89754
Prüfsumme SHA1468f70155624ae0fd240ea50da0408248e184f9d
Prüfsumme SHA2569a78df80d62f80e52e3c0fb21a7e383ec03e6bb8de5c5922fc0e195038ef1fb7
Link zum Herunterladenlibmono-corlib1.0-cil_2.6.7-5_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungMono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. . This package contains the Core Library (mscorlib.dll) of Mono for CLI 1.0, which is the glue between the BCL (Base Class Libraries) and the JIT. . You should install libmono-i18n-west1.0-cil if you are using ISO 8859-15 (Latin 9) or other common Western European code pages. US-ASCII, ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) and UTF-8 users don't need any extra I18N packages.

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