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BeschreibungProof assistant based on first order natural deduction calculus
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe8584 Byte
Hängt ab vonplt-scheme | guile
Empfohlene Paketeemacs23 | emacs22 | emacsen
PaketbetreuerFreiric Barral
Paketgröße2884278 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5c6aa2fdac3b9355dae48c8fcc42b1403
Prüfsumme SHA1e55bdfe6d7c22f21dbe752ccd2cdbd0937d1a204
Prüfsumme SHA2560e8119c4ee6aeaefa926d5e23f45106a5f3db85633156012c8633c259ed71d2e
Link zum Herunterladenminlog_4.0.99.20100221-5.2_all.deb
Ausführliche Beschreibungintended to reason about computable functionals, using minimal rather than classical or intuitionistic logic. The main motivation behind MINLOG is to exploit the proofs-as-programs paradigm for program development and program verification. Proofs are in fact treated as first class objects which can be normalized. If a formula is existential then its proof can be used for reading off an instance of it, or changed appropriately for program development by proof transformation. To this end MINLOG is equipped with tools to extract functional programs directly from proof terms. This also applies to non-constructive proofs, using a refined A-translation. The system is supported by automatic proof search and normalization by evaluation as an efficient term rewriting device. . Minlog can be used with ProofGeneral, which allows proofs to be edited using emacs and xemacs. This requires the proofgeneral-minlog package to be installed.

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