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BeschreibungKDE Integrated LaTeX Environment
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe10840 Byte
Hängt ab vonkdebase-runtime, libc6 (>= 2.1.3), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libkdecore5 (>= 4:4.4.4), libkdeui5 (>= 4:4
Empfohlene Paketeasymptote, context, dblatex, dvipdfmx, dvipng, ghostscript, imagemagick, kbibtex | pybliographer | g
PaketbetreuerDebian KDE Extras Team
Paketgröße1904220 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5fa3fe7eb1abfcc1d3fcde7d6c7d621b3
Prüfsumme SHA1b5fde3869914cd4f258fd72c2c818b3fdf656515
Prüfsumme SHA25656d5264f30ff2277d4a7bc3d4a3602b4190177339d9b6b9732d5634dd7032881
Link zum Herunterladenkile_2.1.0~svn1112278beta4-2_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungKile is a user-friendly LaTeX source editor and TeX shell for KDE. . The source editor is a multi-document editor designed for .tex and .bib files. Menus, wizards and auto-completion are provided to assist with tag insertion and code generation. A structural view of the document assists with navigation within source files. . The TeX shell integrates the various tools required for TeX processing. It assists with LaTeX compilation, DVI and postscript document viewing, generation of bibliographies and indices and other common tasks. . Kile can support large projects consisting of several smaller files.

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