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BeschreibungBuiltin kernel debugger
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe1856 Byte
Hängt ab vonbinutils-dev, bash (>= 2.0), patch, grep-dctrl
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerYann Dirson
Paketgröße1762582 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5cce576b2ab66d957a4732efeac922086
Prüfsumme SHA16174cae3415bbfbcdc91098279a83cd6a52b87cf
Prüfsumme SHA2561e126aa55b839fd4acdbb6517045336f17dec054c56ef6d3704e5104eb0d5801
Link zum Herunterladenkernel-patch-kdb_4.4-10.1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis package contains a patch to the Linux kernel, which provides a means of examining kernel memory and data structures while the system is operational. . This package includes a magicpoint presentation and demo; you'll need the mgp package to view it. . Additional commands may be easily added to format and display essential system data structures given an identifier or address of the data structure. . Current command set allows complete control of kernel operations including single-stepping a processor, stopping upon execution of a specific instruction, stopping upon access (or modification) of a specific virtual memory location, stopping upon access to a register in the input-output address space, stack tracebacks for the current active task as well as for all other tasks (by process id), instruction disassembly, et. al. . Included is support for 2.6.7 on i386 and ia64, and 2.6.6 on i386, ia64, sparc64, and amd64. kdb 4.3 versions for 2.6.5 and 2.4.25 are also provided. Versions close enough may (or may not) work. Please look at /use/share/doc/kernel-patch-kdb/README.Debian for more info. . The BFD headers from the binutils-dev package are required to compile a kdb-enabled kernel. . Version 6.23 of the kernel-package package has a bug preventing correct application of this patch.

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