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BeschreibungHelper scripts for packaging Java programs
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe300 Byte
Hängt ab vonfastjar, debhelper, devscripts, bsdmainutils, dpkg-dev, dctrl-tools, libarchive-zip-perl (>= 1.20)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian Java Maintainers
Paketgröße84656 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5b0fbaeb774e76643810758d204b7c312
Prüfsumme SHA136940306fc9004b8b7618dae9f2d1fe9c17a4a00
Prüfsumme SHA25679767c06a436f84e9c8bb8aa7dd052d6c439272221419ac382320b30718183b4
Link zum Herunterladenjavahelper_0.32_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungJavahelper contains several scripts which help in packaging Java programs. . jh_depends searches jars to find which packages they depend on, similar to dh_shlibdeps. It will also add depends on jarwrapper for packages with executable jars. . jh_classpath will register the classpath dependencies for each jar so that they can be automatically loaded when that jar is used by other programs. . jh_manifest updates the manifest in jar files according to a provided spec so that the resultant jar files will work with jarwrapper-enabled packages. . jh_exec looks for symlinks to jars which should be executable and makes them executable . jh_build builds java files to jars for you. . jh_installlibs installs library jars into the correct locations . jh_makepkg generates a template for a Debian Java package for you . jh_installeclipse installs features/plugins built by pde-build. . jh_setupenvironment prepares an out of source built for eclipse builds. . jh_generateorbitdir creates an populates an orbit dir for eclipse builds. . jh_compilefeatures compiles eclipse features based on feature ids. . /usr/share/javahelper/ provides a selection of useful variables such as various JVM paths and the JVM name for the architecture . /usr/share/javahelper/ converts Debian architecture names into java names to locate in non-make build systems . javahelper provides CDBS and dh macros so that it can be used with those package build systems. . Note that some of the eclipse helpers depends on packages not pulled by default (like with devscripts). You can find these scripts in Suggests.

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