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BeschreibungGNU R package with miscellaneous functions by Greg Warnes et al
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe288 Byte
Hängt ab vonr-base-core (>= 2.4.0), r-cran-gdata, r-cran-gmodels, r-cran-gplots, r-cran-gtools
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDirk Eddelbuettel
Paketgröße96368 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5b6dae560b770578d339025514ed5b08c
Prüfsumme SHA18919253d19311c4412270a937ae6c66d5b344ee7
Prüfsumme SHA256269148de04c9e9099926f780167988f622ce6b259bb693606b06df1cc54555d7
Link zum Herunterladenr-cran-gregmisc_2.1.1-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis package of miscellaneous functions for GNU R that written by Gregory Warnes with code contributions by Ben Bolker, Bendix Carstensen, Don MacQueen, William Venables, Marc Schwartz, Ben Bolker, Ian Wilson, Kjetil Halvorsen, Arni Magnusson, Lodewijk Bonebakker, and others. . Most of the function in the gregmisc library fall into six general areas: permutations and combinations, tools for linear models, plots, data manipulation, and fixed or extended versions of existing functions. . Note that as of version 2.0.8, gregmisc's code is now provided by the new packages gdata, gmodels, gplots and gtools which contain all the code formerly provided by gregmisc. Unless any of your R code still loads the gregmisc package directly, and you thus need it to load the component packages, you can remove this package.

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