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BeschreibungXML sources files for the GObject introspection repository
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe5196 Byte
Hängt ab von
Empfohlene Paketegobject-introspection
PaketbetreuerSebastian Dröge
Paketgröße340016 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5b2edce8b0da3a06475dfa439ffb13d13
Prüfsumme SHA1622e9f474cc98d8a75807086371456975027dac0
Prüfsumme SHA256ad71510b7d0eeaf6f9da717bb7a4eadfd064fea708ed2a6ef56d4466c45a5e0d
Link zum Herunterladengir-repository-dev_0.6.5-7_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungGObject Introspection is a project for providing machine readable introspection data of the API of C libraries. This introspection data can be used in several different use cases, for example automatic code generation for bindings, API verification and documentation generation. . GObject Introspection contains tools to generate and handle the introspection data. . This package contains the XML sources for introspection data of the following libraries: . * Atk * Avahi * Babl * Cairo * FontConfig * FreeType2 * Gdk * GdkPixbuf * OpenGL * GnomeKeyring * GooCanvas * Gtk * libxml2 * libnotify * libsoup * Pango * Poppler * Xft * XLib . The actual introspection data is shipped in the relevant gir1.0-* packages.

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