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Beschreibungan archive manager for GNOME
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe6752 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibc6 (>= 2.3.6-6~), libgconf2-4 (>= 2.27.0), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.24.0), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.20.0), lib
Empfohlene Paketerpm2cpio, gnome-icon-theme (>= 2.18), gvfs
PaketbetreuerClément Stenac
Paketgröße1689186 Byte
Prüfsumme MD530ca44769579c015bfb546aafb26bdb1
Prüfsumme SHA18514ffdacd3151bbc46c8f2b14cc80af4306cfb2
Prüfsumme SHA2560e6903dea7bc34a0b36e881f3c75a1c46275f0fc87f36e42c453b3222159ffcb
Link zum Herunterladenfile-roller_2.30.2-2_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungFile-roller is an archive manager for the GNOME environment. It allows you to: . * Create and modify archives. * View the content of an archive. * View a file contained in an archive. * Extract files from the archive. . File-roller supports the following formats: * Tar (.tar) archives, including those compressed with gzip (.tar.gz, .tgz), bzip (, .tbz), bzip2 (.tar.bz2, .tbz2), compress (.tar.Z, .taz), lzip (.tar.lz, .tlz), lzop (.tar.lzo, .tzo), lzma (.tar.lzma) and xz (.tar.xz) * Zip archives (.zip) * Jar archives (.jar, .ear, .war) * 7z archives (.7z) * iso9660 CD images (.iso) * Lha archives (.lzh) * Single files compressed with gzip (.gz), bzip (.bz), bzip2 (.bz2), compress (.Z), lzip (.lz), lzop (.lzo), lzma (.lzma) and xz (.xz) . File-roller doesn't perform archive operations by itself, but relies on standard tools for this.

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