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BeschreibungH.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe18184 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibatk1.0-0 (>= 1.29.3), libavahi-client3 (>= 0.6.16), libavahi-common3 (>= 0.6.16), libavahi-glib1
Empfohlene Paketegvfs, yelp
PaketbetreuerKilian Krause
Paketgröße9104252 Byte
Prüfsumme MD512e7a9a1aa57a97344993d6c2212815e
Prüfsumme SHA15b67608ad28f7e18cd00b956cbe362c7bd491cf6
Prüfsumme SHA256160bf0417039401824fe969ddfbb7909f49636f13172ae21dc923fd2a91a358a
Link zum Herunterladenekiga_3.2.7-2_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungH.323 and SIP compatible videoconferencing and VoIP/IP-Telephony application that allows you to make audio and video calls to remote users with H.323 hardware or software (such as Microsoft Netmeeting) as well as SIP endpoints. . It supports all modern videoconferencing features, such as contact roster, presence status, high-quality audio and video codecs, various video resolutions, registering to an LDAP directory, gatekeeper support, making multi-user conference calls using an external MCU, using modern Quicknet telephony cards, and making PC-To-Phone calls.

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