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BeschreibungGraphical dictionary lookup program for Unix (Tk)
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe336 Byte
Hängt ab vontk8.4 | wish
Empfohlene Paketetrans-de-en (>= 1.4) | translation-dictionary
PaketbetreuerRoland Rosenfeld
Paketgröße93024 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5afe8a5e57c1e496e2509acb6fceb2b81
Prüfsumme SHA101bd30bc422e2ed65102c60d6f10288c7e483274
Prüfsumme SHA2560a1908f1946c95049d24baa08e99fb3b18f49441d646c8416f0f9571d8b59c67
Link zum Herunterladending_1.6-2_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End to [ae]grep, ispell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing . This package needs agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. agrep is preferable, because it supports fault tolerant searching. . You have to install some translation dictionary word list with a word/phrase in two languages in one line with some kind of separator between them. The default configuration of ding uses the German-English dictionary which can be found in the trans-de-en package, but you can use every other translation word lists with one entry per line.

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