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BeschreibungCVS utilities for use in working directories
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe124 Byte
Hängt ab vonperl, cvs
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUwe Hermann
Paketgröße23738 Byte
Prüfsumme MD51d48ea6522648fbae7ea086c4381efff
Prüfsumme SHA19c03b47f55d70a8f25c5e70a8ae73ba9dfb4ece5
Prüfsumme SHA256de1b33712528b3424b02e51d7455b2b77ce3c52b251a8d461a9e041d9cece013
Link zum Herunterladencvsutils_0.2.5-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungSeveral utilities which are used to facilitate working with the files in the working directory of a developer using CVS. . The utilities included in this package are: . + cvsu: Offline "cvs update" simulator. Lists the files found in the current directory (or in the directories which you specify). + cvsco: "Cruel checkout". Removes results of compilation and discards local changes. Deletes all the files except listed unmodified ones and checks out everything which seems to be missing. + cvsdiscard: Discards local changes but keeps results of compilation. Works like "cvsco", but only deletes files which are likely to cause merge conflicts. + cvspurge: CVS-based "make maintainer-clean". Removes results of compilation but keeps local changes intact. Removes unknown files, but keeps changes in files known to CVS. + cvstrim: Removes files and directories unknown to CVS. + cvschroot: Makes it possible to change CVS/Root in all subdirectories to the given value. + cvsdo: Simulates some of the CVS commands (currently add, remove and diff) without any access to the CVS server. + cvsnotag: Reports untagged files.

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