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Beschreibungcommand-line plotting utility
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe800 Byte
Hängt ab vonruby, libtioga-ruby (>= 1.9)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerVincent Fourmond
Paketgröße164744 Byte
Prüfsumme MD50790cf497ec0e0e10c7be645aeba5387
Prüfsumme SHA15551dd816297308484111272829ccc30a8d1c152
Prüfsumme SHA256ebc57f25c822f2b73bfa090f3196c60ba15f72357b0487a223be226f22f41923
Link zum Herunterladenctioga_1.10-1_all.deb
Ausführliche Beschreibungctioga is a command-line utility to plot scientific data. It produces high quality PDF files with text processed with pdflatex. It is based on the Tioga library, written by one of the creators of the postscript language. . Among other advantages, lets name a few: - it is very easy to do simple things (plotting a simple text file doesn't take more than a second or two) - output can be configured to a very deep level - it features a plugin backend system that takes care of reading data files, it is very easy to enhance existing backends or add new file formats (such as binary ones). - the text on the graph is much better than in most other plotting programs as it is handled by LaTeX - it features many fancy effects, such as filled curves, transparency, the ability to make insets (zooms, for instance), nice histograms, and many other interesting things ! . mdbtools is required for the MDB backend, but most of the users probably won't need this particular backend, so you can ignore it. . imagemagick is necessary for PNG output

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