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BeschreibungA front-end for various audio players
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe232 Byte
Hängt ab vonpython
Empfohlene Paketevorbis-tools, python-pyvorbis
PaketbetreuerPeter Samuelson
Paketgröße40878 Byte
Prüfsumme MD550a3bc3a1e80e322a439ece0aca6bc6a
Prüfsumme SHA10c1d782ab779b316160a31e6b8a925268a8c4232
Prüfsumme SHA256282354f25d96ed51a1eb66650bdfe4de5d3557e2f61ca12ceebedddd50b62e69
Link zum Herunterladencplay_1.49-10_all.deb
Ausführliche Beschreibungcplay provides a user-friendly interface to play various types of sound files. It offers a simple file list with which you can navigate around looking for audio files and a playlist to which you can add the files you want to play. cplay can play the songs in your playlist in repeat or random mode, and offers the option to store the playlist. . Currently, the following audio formats are supported: MP3 (through madplay, mpg321 or splay), Ogg Vorbis (through ogg123), MOD and other module formats (through mikmod or xmp), WAV (through sox) and Speex (through speex).

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