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Beschreibungutility classes for concurrent java programming
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe200 Byte
Hängt ab vondefault-jre-headless | java2-runtime-headless
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian Java Maintainers
Paketgröße133384 Byte
Prüfsumme MD59dd07a705f6148bca69cdc15972b83b2
Prüfsumme SHA1bc06b3602bd879fa9cf6c94e021197db1076074c
Prüfsumme SHA256c383dbc2d68a0a5e66d09abcadc4dfe94a3eb181865be4f4303ab6be76dbeeca
Link zum Herunterladenlibconcurrent-java_1.3.4-4_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThe concurrent java library provides standardized, efficient versions of utility classes commonly encountered in concurrent Java programming. Discussions of the rationale and applications of several of these classes can be found in the second edition of Concurrent Programming in Java. . The package mainly consists of implementations of a few interfaces: . * Sync -- locks, conditions * Channel -- queues, buffers * Barrier -- multi-party synchronization * SynchronizedVariable -- atomic ints, refs etc * java.util.Collection -- collections * Executor -- replacements for direct use of Thread

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