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BeschreibungCoin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe3336 Byte
Hängt ab voncoinor-libcbc0 (= 2.5.0-2)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerSoeren Sonnenburg
Paketgröße980850 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5b365ffe7628ff0f4a59b06c0408e33fc
Prüfsumme SHA1acad56b5539e8bb5cb9dabf8278bec1a18e62760
Prüfsumme SHA256ca472f70f8fa0a331afbd8064c9719e1386fa97db4c7dcbfd716e8a236f19491
Link zum Herunterladencoinor-libcbc-dev_2.5.0-2_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungCbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming solver written in C++. It is primarily meant to be used as a callable library, but a basic, stand-alone executable version is also available. . Mixed integer programming (MIP) is a generalization of linear programming (LP) and allows to find the minimum solution of objective functions depending linearly on variables, which are linearly constrained and additionally may have integrality constraints. . Cbc is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and depends on the COIN-OR Clp linear programming solver for solving subproblems. . Cbc works well as independent solver (reading files in the MPS format) and as a solver backend for AMPL. . This package contains the header files for developers.

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