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Beschreibunganti-virus utility for Unix - virus database update utility
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe656 Byte
Hängt ab vondebconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, clamav-base (>= 0.97.3+dfsg-1~squeeze1), libc6 (>= 2.7), libclamav6
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerClamAV Team
Paketgröße313156 Byte
Prüfsumme MD53fb127aa0372b9ca63c2792bcf8599bb
Prüfsumme SHA1cbd82277ab44e716122191df94d8e7cde23f06ff
Prüfsumme SHA25618dc3008243da27b93cde8b8917e945be0ac9267fd1f0e048e2a532dfb7680c0
Link zum Herunterladenclamav-freshclam_0.97.3+dfsg-1~squeeze1_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungClam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam package. The programs are based on libclamav6, which can be used by other software. . This package contains the freshclam program and scripts to automate virus database updating. It relies on an Internet connection, but can be run in a variety of ways to compensate for intermittent connections.

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