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Beschreibungmonitor changes to (configuration) files
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe152 Byte
Hängt ab vonperl, libfile-ncopy-perl
Empfohlene Paketecron, ed | rcs
PaketbetreuerJens Peter Secher
Paketgröße22206 Byte
Prüfsumme MD59dc02576c0ac9790a9e1c938e0fe9e85
Prüfsumme SHA1911c949736418e02e10d72c4930060515cbbf6de
Prüfsumme SHA256bfcee2fac623f31f2875dd0798c0c80985164cb0f9d6615e11d80576f3d551b2
Link zum Herunterladenchangetrack_4.5-3_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungA program to automatically monitor changes to a set of files. If files are modified one day, and the machine stops working correctly some days later, changetrack provides information on which files were modified, and thus helps locate the problem. If you tell changetrack to use either the line editor ed (the default) or The Revision Control System (RCS), you can recover files to any previous stage. If you do not want to install Perl, try out the filetraq or diffmon package. Another similar program is etckeeper.

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