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BeschreibungFrontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe5524 Byte
Hängt ab vonapache2 | apache | apache-ssl | apache-perl | httpd, libapache2-mod-php5 | php5, php5-mysql, php5-cl
Empfohlene Paketemysql-server, iputils-ping, logrotate
PaketbetreuerSean Finney
Paketgröße2096486 Byte
Prüfsumme MD53919d225859f837c5310e864479b740e
Prüfsumme SHA17fd6ad6808f44dc5c8c13e04a8baa0bfe57d07be
Prüfsumme SHA2562703849d48ea745c242ab74854794a8b3e49b16b40ffa5fcd134feb01897219a
Link zum Herunterladencacti_0.8.7g-1+squeeze1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungCacti is a complete frontend to rrdtool, it stores all of the necessary information to create graphs and populates them with data in a MySQL database. The frontend is completely PHP driven. Along with being able to maintain Graphs, Data Sources, and Round Robin Archives in a database, cacti handles the data gathering also. There is also SNMP support for those used to creating traffic graphs with MRTG. . This package requires a functional MySQL database server on either the installation host or remotely accessible system. If you do not already have a database server available, you should also install mysql-server.

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