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BeschreibungProvides syslogd and klogd using busybox
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe108 Byte
Hängt ab vonbusybox (>= 1:1.17.1-8) | busybox-static (>= 1:1.17.1-8)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian Install System Team
Paketgröße13510 Byte
Prüfsumme MD509a8ea4d066d2dc9ed3bd631475a9a8b
Prüfsumme SHA11ecf3762dfa131e4e850929fe531e9144be7cf9e
Prüfsumme SHA256260e251e919549fb80d7efb7ef8161906ae9a9e1e5b413df0fbe26bd91c3adab
Link zum Herunterladenbusybox-syslogd_1.17.1-8_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThe system log daemon is responsible for providing logging of messages received from programs and facilities on the local host as well as from remote hosts. . The kernel log daemon listens to kernel message sources and is responsible for prioritizing and processing operating system messages. . The busybox implementation of the syslogd is particular useful on embedded, diskless (netboot) or flash disk based systems because it can use a fixed size ring buffer for logging instead of saving logs to the disk or sending it to remote logging servers. The ring buffer can be read using the (also busybox based) command logread. . This package provides the glue to the busybox syslogd and klogd to be used in the system by providing the appropriate symbolic links and scripts.

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