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BeschreibungA collection of applets for Awn, written in C or Vala
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe848 Byte
Hängt ab vonlibatk1.0-0 (>= 1.29.3), libawn1 (>= 0.4.0), libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6~), libcairo2 (>= 1.4.10), libdbus-1-3
Empfohlene Paketeawn-settings, awn-applets-python-core, xdg-utils
PaketbetreuerJulien Lavergne
Paketgröße219232 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5bcf3a05960d9bdaf6c7474656c0144d1
Prüfsumme SHA1ebc091376b1801d0fe3235a581beebfa92bc51be
Prüfsumme SHA256e70a04d72325cf6479dee17cf3980d0a03124ee647dec9e82b270e9c7373753c
Link zum Herunterladenawn-applets-c-core_0.4.0-3_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungAwn-extras-applets is a collection of applets for avant-window-navigator. It provides some extensions to the bar and some new features (like applets in the gnome-panel). . This package provides the core applets written in C: * awn-notification-daemon: Libnotify notification daemon implementation. * awn-system-monitor: Display CPU activity and system stats on click. * awnterm: A pop-up terminal that lives in AWN. * cairo_main_menu: Displays a list of all the applications on your computer in a standard menu format. * notification-area : Replaces the gnome-panel notification area and shows it right on your dock * plugger: Displays mounted volumes and allows you to browse them. * shinyswitcher: A workspace switcher supporting compiz and other WMs. * showdesktop: Hides/shows all of the windows of the current viewport, similar to the showdesktop icon of gnome-panel. * garbage: A trash applet, like the one from gnome-panel.

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