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BeschreibungCommon files for the Armagetron Advanced packages
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe1684 Byte
Hängt ab von
Empfohlene Paketearmagetronad | armagetronad-dedicated
PaketbetreuerChristine Spang
Paketgröße556752 Byte
Prüfsumme MD506eed611cc235157a4775d6d6c22bf4a
Prüfsumme SHA13e8eb08b6b48bd7127cc1f101e8021a23f5bdcbd
Prüfsumme SHA256d6506bfafb1598304240185b0d149b4cd11bba70b873ba991bc76977c80c9d1a
Link zum Herunterladenarmagetronad-common_0.
Ausführliche BeschreibungArmagetron Advanced is a 3D game based on the light cycle racing in the 80s- era movie "Tron". . You have to control a light cycle that can only turn in steps of 90 degrees, leaves a solid wall behind and can not be stopped. The aim is to survive the longest of all players by not crashing into any walls. . This package contains the common configuration files and documentation shared between the armagetronad and armagetronad-server packages.

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