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Beschreibunga subtitle conversion tool for image based formats
Archiv/ squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe752 Byte
Hängt ab vondefault-jre | java2-runtime
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerChristian Marillat
Paketgröße681558 Byte
Prüfsumme MD55164c016420c298f089ae75b568b77fe
Prüfsumme SHA189e5e4723424cb48b87a0edbe7b300744a7688dd
Prüfsumme SHA256c69c6db129025d58a622582786b26ccb0503d95e886e95e54aa6201ea9b2fee1
Link zum Herunterladenbdsup2sub_4.0.0-0.0_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungA tool to convert captions demuxed from a Blu-Ray transport stream (M2TS) into the DVD VobSub format (SUB/IDX) used by many DVD authoring tools. Many more features were added over time as was support for other formats. So in the meantime the name seems a little inappropriate. In a nutshell, it's a subtitle conversion tool (for image based formats) with scaling capabilities and some other nice features. . Supported Formats * Blu-Ray SUP: Import (since 1.0) and Export (since 1.6) * Sony BDN XML: Import and Export (since 3.3.0) * HD-DVD SUP: Import (since 1.9) * VobSub (SUB/IDX): Import (since 3.5.0) and Export (since 1.0) * DVD-SUP (SUP/IFO): import and export (since 3.9.0) . Features * Add a fixed delay to all timestamps * Perform a frame rate conversion e.g. for pal speedup * Synchronize time stamps to output frame rate * Edit times and position of each caption * Control all features (except editing) from the command line * Move all captions inside or outside a given area or horizontally * Scale up/down with a variety of filters (from bilinear over bicubic to Lanczos3 and Mitchell) * Edit "forced" flags * Exclude single captions from export * Erase rectangular regions of a caption * Scale captions independently of screen size * Automatically remove fade in/out from imported subtitle streams * Export the target palette in PGCEdit text format (RGB values 0..255) * Edit the imported DVD palette when input is either VobSub or SUP/IFO * Edit the frame palette and alpha values when input is either VobSub or SUP/IFO * Set/clear forced flags for all captions

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